If you are familiar with developing a basic website and are interested in creating advanced websites and web applications that are device/screen/platform optimized or are based on a powerful framework, then our Advanced Web Development course is designed keeping in mind your exact needs.
Previous knowledge of HTML, CSS, PHP and MYSQL.
Course Contents
- Overview of HTML, CSS, PHP, MYSQL
- Basic & Advanced JavaScript
- Basic & Advanced jQuery
- working with Dreamweaver
- WordPress Complete theme and web development.
- Bootstrap 4 for Building Responsive Websites.
Full Stack Advanced Website Development Course
Course Outline Compiled by Sardar Azeem6-month Advanced Full Stack Website Development course. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, and WordPress. The course progresses from foundational frontend and backend concepts to advanced techniques, ultimately covering full-stack development using a combination of programming languages, databases, and WordPress CMS. Course Duration: 24 weeks (6 months) Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of web development (HTML, CSS, basic JavaScript) Month 1: Frontend Foundations (HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap) Week 1: HTML5 Advanced
- Deep dive into HTML5 elements and best practices
- Semantic HTML for better SEO and accessibility
- Advanced form controls: <datalist>, <input>, <output>, <progress>
- Web APIs: Geolocation, Web Storage, Canvas
- Project: Build a complex web page layout using advanced HTML5 elements
- Advanced Selectors (attribute selectors, pseudo-classes)
- Advanced CSS properties (gradients, shadows, transforms, transitions, animations)
- CSS Grid and Flexbox: Creating complex layouts
- Responsive design principles using media queries
- CSS Variables and Best Practices for large-scale CSS
- Project: Create a responsive multi-page website with advanced CSS3
- Overview of Bootstrap framework and installation
- Bootstrap Grid System: Building responsive layouts
- Bootstrap Components: Navbars, Forms, Modals, Cards, Alerts, Tables
- Customizing Bootstrap using custom CSS
- Project: Build a fully responsive website using Bootstrap components
- Comparison of Bootstrap with other frameworks (Foundation, Materialize)
- Customizing themes with Bootstrap 5
- Best practices for using Bootstrap in large projects
- Integration of Bootstrap with JavaScript plugins
- Project: Refine the website built in previous weeks by adding complex components
- Deep dive into JavaScript fundamentals: variables, loops, conditions, arrays, and objects
- Functions: parameters, return values, closures, and scope
- DOM manipulation in depth: accessing, modifying, and creating elements
- Project: Build an interactive dynamic web page using JavaScript
- JavaScript Events: handling clicks, form submissions, keyboard/mouse events
- Form validation with JavaScript
- Advanced DOM Manipulation (creating, appending, deleting elements dynamically)
- Project: Add advanced interactivity (tabs, modals, sliders) to the website
- Introduction to asynchronous JavaScript: Callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await
- AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML): Fetching data from servers
- Fetch API: Working with external APIs and JSON data
- Project: Build a web application that fetches live data from an API (e.g., weather app)
- Introduction to jQuery and how it simplifies JavaScript code
- jQuery Events and Animations
- Introduction to frontend JavaScript frameworks (React, Vue.js) and their use cases
- Project: Add jQuery to improve animations and functionality of the website
- Introduction to server-side scripting with PHP
- Setting up a local PHP environment (XAMPP/WAMP)
- Basic PHP Syntax: Variables, Data Types, and Operators
- Control Structures in PHP: Loops and Conditionals
- Project: Create a basic PHP-based website with dynamic content
- PHP and form handling: GET vs POST methods
- Validating and sanitizing form input
- Uploading files via forms and handling files in PHP
- Superglobals in PHP ($_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, $_COOKIE)
- Project: Create a contact form with validation and file upload functionality
- Introduction to Databases and MySQL
- Connecting PHP to MySQL with mysqli and PDO
- Performing CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) in MySQL using PHP
- PHP Sessions and Cookies
- Project: Build a simple content management system (CMS) using PHP and MySQL
- Working with Arrays and Objects in PHP
- Handling Sessions and User Authentication
- Error handling and debugging in PHP
- Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP
- Project: Add user registration and login system to the CMS
- Using prepared statements and handling SQL injections
- Advanced SQL: Joins, Indexing, Grouping
- Pagination and Sorting in PHP-MySQL applications
- File handling and security measures in PHP
- Project: Extend the CMS with advanced database features (pagination, sorting)
- Introduction to Classes and Objects in PHP
- Inheritance, Interfaces, and Polymorphism in PHP
- Encapsulation and Abstraction
- OOP Best Practices in PHP
- Project: Refactor the CMS to implement OOP principles
- Introduction to MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture
- Structuring PHP projects using MVC
- Building reusable models, views, and controllers
- Project: Refactor the CMS to follow the MVC design pattern
- Common Web Security Threats: SQL Injection, XSS, CSRF
- Implementing security best practices in PHP applications
- Password hashing and encryption techniques
- Input validation and sanitization in PHP
- Project: Secure the CMS by implementing security measures
- Overview of WordPress and its architecture
- Setting up WordPress locally or on a server
- WordPress dashboard: themes, plugins, and widgets
- Creating and managing pages and posts
- Introduction to custom post types
- Project: Build a simple blog using WordPress
- Creating custom themes in WordPress
- Understanding the theme structure: template files and theme hierarchy
- Modifying WordPress themes with PHP and CSS
- Child themes and best practices for theme development
- Project: Build a custom WordPress theme from scratch
- Introduction to WordPress plugin development
- Hooking into WordPress with actions and filters
- Creating custom plugins
- Working with shortcodes and widgets
- Project: Build a custom WordPress plugin
- Advanced WordPress customization with PHP
- Creating custom fields and meta boxes
- Introduction to WooCommerce and creating e-commerce websites
- Project: Add custom functionality to the WordPress site using custom fields and plugins
- Optimizing web performance for both frontend and backend
- Caching strategies (browser caching, server-side caching)
- Image optimization, lazy loading, and code minification
- Optimizing database queries and improving load times
- Project: Optimize the CMS or WordPress website for performance
- Introduction to Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Best practices for SEO in WordPress and custom websites
- Integrating Google Analytics and tracking website traffic
- On-page SEO techniques and tools (Yoast SEO for WordPress)
- Project: Optimize the site for SEO and implement Google Analytics tracking
- Overview of web hosting and domain registration
- Deploying websites using FTP or cPanel
- Deploying WordPress sites to a live server
- Setting up SSL certificates and configuring HTTPS
- Project: Deploy the final project to a live server
- Building a full-stack website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, and WordPress
- Option 1: Develop a full CMS with a custom backend and dynamic features
- Option 2: Build an advanced WordPress site with custom themes, plugins, and e-commerce features
- Final review and project presentation
- Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript
- Backend: PHP, MySQL, WordPress
- Environment: XAMPP, WAMP, LocalWP
- Deployment: GitHub, cPanel, FTP, DigitalOcean, Bluehost
- Version Control: Git and GitHub
- SEO Tools: Google Analytics, Yoast SEO
- Mastery of frontend and backend web development technologies
- Ability to build and customize full-stack web applications
- Proficiency in creating custom WordPress themes and plugins
- Understanding of website security, SEO, and performance optimization
- Experience deploying and managing live websites
Fee Structure | |
Admission Fee | PKR 2000/- |
Monthly Fee | PKR 10000/- |
Package Fee | PKR 62000/- |